Samira Tasnim
B.Sc. (Hon's.), M.Sc. (JU), M.Phil (Continuing in JU)

Research interest: Non-linear Waves and Instabilities in Dusty Plasmas.
susmita@phy.buet.ac.bd, susmitaphy@yahoo.com
Tel: 9665650-80 (Ext.7491), Mobile:+88-01671653147


Details about Samira





a)      Journal Publications (journals/proceedings/transactions):


1.     S. Tasnim, A. Mannan and A. A. Mamun: Electrostatic solitary structures in a four-component adiabatic dusty plasma, Astrophysics and Space Science (Netherland), 337, 261 (2012).


2.     S. Tasnim, S. Islam, and A. A. Mamun: Planar and Nonplanar Electro-acoustic solitary waves in a quantum dusty electronegative plasma, Physics of Plasmas (USA), 19, 033706 (2012).


3.     A. A. Mamun and S. Tasnim: Dust-ion-acoustic shock and solitary waves in a dusty electronegative plasma: Physics of Plasmas (USA) 17, 073704: 1-7 (2010).


4.     A. A. Mamun, S. Tasnim, and P. K. Shukla: Effects of adiabaticity of electrons and negative ions on solitary waves and double layers in an electronegative plasma: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences (USA) 38, 3098-3104 (2010).


5.     N. Roy, S. Tasnim and A. A. Mamun: Solitary waves and double layers in an ultra-relativistic ultra-cold degenerate dusty electron-positron-ion plasma: Physics of Plasmas (USA),19, 033705 (2012).


6.     F. Deeba, S. Tasnim, and A. A. Mamun: Gardner solitons and double layers in a dusty plasma: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences (USA), In Press, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2208227 (2012).



§     Samira Tasnim, "Non-linear Electrostatic Waves in a Dusty Electronegative Plasma", M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010.






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Written by: Samira Tasnim
E-mail: susmita@phy.buet.ac.bd, susmitaphy@yahoo.com